In this post, You will get a few important questions from Chapter A Roadside Stand of Class 12 English Textbook for the AHSEC Final examination. Here are a few expected and important short-answer type and long-answer-type questions from chapter A Roadside Stand for the AHSEC Class 12 exam.

Class 12 A Roadside Stand Important Questions Answer for AHSEC Final Examination
If you are in class 12 studying under the AHSEC (Assam Higher Secondary Educational Council) Board then this post might help you in your AHSEC final English examination. Here you will get a few expected and most important questions from chapter A Roadside Stand which is in your English textbook “Flamingo”.
These questions are prepared for the AHSEC class 12 English final examination. Questions are given along with the answers and divided into two categories. These are very short answer types and short answer types.
A Roadside Stand Ahsec Class 12 Important VSA Questions
Q1. Read the following extracts and answer the questions:
“The polished traffic passed with a mind ahead,………………………………. Why keep your money (this closely) and go along.”
(a) How did the traffic pass?
Ans: The polished traffic passed through the roadside stand without stopping there.
(b) Why did one turn ‘out of sorts’?
Ans: One turned out of sorts when he witnessed the clumsy paint with which the old house was painted spoiled the beauty of the landscape. On the other hand, he too got angry when he found the signboards indicating wrong directions.
(c) What are the two things that were sold in that stand?
Ans: Wild berries and crook-necked golden squash with silver warts were sold in that roadside stand.
(d) What should one do if one wants to be mean?
Ans: If one wants to be mean then he should keep his money and move ahead.
Q2. Read the following extracts and answer the questions:
“The hurt to the scenery wouldn’t be my complaint ……………….. That the party in power is said to be keeping from us.”
(a) What is not the complaint of the poet?
Ans: The clumsy paint of the old house that hurt the beauty of the landscape is not the complaint of the poet.
(b) What is the real worry of the poet?
Ans: The real worry of the poet is about the sorrows of these poor farmers which have not found expression yet.
(c) Why do the people who are running the roadside stand “ask for some city money”?
Ans: The people who are running the roadside stand “ask for some city money” so that they too can afford to enjoy some of the luxuries often portrayed by movies and media.
(d) What is the party in power doing for the rural poor?
Ans: The party in power has not cared for them and is indifferent to their needs. It has not fulfilled the promises made to them.
Short Answer Type Questions From A Roadside Stand For AHSEC Class 12
Q3. What is the ‘childish longing’ that the poet refers to in the poem ‘A Roadside Stand’? Why is it ‘vain’?
Ans: Robert Frost thinks that the people who are running the roadside stand suffer from a childish longing. The poet refers to the eager and anxious wait of the farmers for prospective customers. They keep their windows open with the hope that someone will stop the car at the stand to buy the goods on display. Though they keep their windows open to attract customers, nobody stops there.
Their hard work to earn money is devalued by the rich selfish city people. They are ignored and insulted as nobody visits the stand to buy their commodities. In this way, ‘childish longing’ of these farms goes in Vain.
Q4. Name some of the things that the roadside stand offered for sale.
Ans: Wild berries and crook-necked golden squash with silver warts were some of the things offered for sale in that roadside stand.
Q5. Which things irritated the passers-by who stepped at the roadside stand?
Ans: The clumsy paint of the old house hurt the beauty of the landscape and the signboards indicating wrong directions irritated the passers-by who stopped at the roadside stand.
Q6. What is in the news as mentioned in ‘A Roadside Stand’?
Ans: It is in the news that all the poor people who are known as ‘pitiful kii.* are to be bought out. They will be settled in villages. Their places will be taken over by the rich and cunning people. The so-called ‘good doers’ or ‘greedy people’ will exploit them and swarm over their lives to earn benefits.
Q7. Who will soothe the rural poor out of their wits and how?
Ans: The Grecdy people posing as ‘good-doers’ will swarm over their lives. They will plan to extract maximum profits from them. There are people who are crueler than the beasts of prey. Their only aim is to mint money. They earn benefits by befooling innocent rural people. In reality, they will cheat them by ‘teaching them how to sleep’ and will take away their peace of mind with their unscrupulous designs.
Q8. What was not the complaint of the poet in ‘A Roadside Stand’?
Ans: The clumsy paint of the old house that hurt the beauty of the landscape and the signboards indicating wrong directions were not the complaint of the poet in the poem ‘A Roadside Stand’.
Q9. What will be of great relief to the poet?
Ans: The poet feels an unbearable pain at the plight of the rural poor. He will feel greatly relieved if they are put out of their pains ‘at one stroke’. Their miserable living is no way better than death. The poet wants an immediate end to the suffering of the rural poor.
Q10. What was the plea of the folk who had put up the roadside stand?
Ans: The rural folk had put up the roadside stand far from the city beside the road along with an old house that was surrounded by beautiful natural scenery to attract the attention of city people who traveled in their expensive polished vehicles. They pleaded pathetically for some customers to earn some city money by selling their commodities on display.