A Thing of Beauty Important Questions For AHSEC

In this post, you will get some important questions from the poem “A Thing of Beauty” which are very important for the AHSEC English examination. These questions are very common in the exam. Also, you will get the previous year’s questions asked from A Thing of Beauty. I hope these extra questions will help students.

  • Previous Years Questions
  • Important Questions From “A Thing of Beauty” for AHSEC class 12
A THING OF BEAUTY Important Questions For AHSEC Class 12 - HS English

AHSEC Class 12 English Previous Year Questions – A Thing of Beauty

In this section, there are four previously asked questions. These questions from A Thing of Beauty are very important for the upcoming AHSEC HS class 12 English Examination. So you are highly advised to prepare these extra questions for your examination.

Q1. How is a thing of beauty a joy forever? (AHSEC HS 2012) OR

Explain the line: ‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever’. (AHSEC HS 2013)

Ans: A thing of beauty is a constant source of joy. Its beauty keeps on increasing and never fades. Nor will it ever pass into nothingness. It gives us peace and a sleep Full of sweet dreams. Also, it helps us to remove away the pall of sadness from our sad souls.

Q2. What is the message that Keats wants to convey through “A Thing of Beauty”? (AHSEC HS 2014)

Ans: The Very first line of the poem ‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever’ conveys the message of the poet. John Keats was a worshipper of beauty. He advocates in the poem that a thing of beauty is a joy forever; it neither fades nor devalues. It never passes into nothingness. On the other hand, it removes the pall of sadness and sorrow from our sad souls and gives us immense joy and pleasure.

Q3. What is the legend on which the poem ‘A Thing of Beauty’ is written? (AHSEC HS 2015)

Ans: The poem “A Thing of Beauty” is based on a Greek legend ‘Endymion’ in which a beautiful young shepherd and the poet who lived on Mount Latmos, had a vision of Cynthia, the Moon Goddess. Endymion was tempted by the beauty of Cynthia and went to the forest as well as into the sea seeking her out.

Important English Questions From “A Thing of Beauty” For the AHSEC Class 12 Final Exam

In this section, you will get some important extra questions from the poem A Thing of Beauty for AHSEC HS class 12 English. These extra questions will be very important for the class 12 final examinations. In this section, will you get questions asked from extracts from the poem A Thing of Beauty and Short Answer Type Questions.

Q1. Read the following extracts and answer the questions:

‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever


Full of a sweet dream, and health, and quiet breathing.’

a. What is a bower?

Ans: A bower is a pleasant shady place under trees or climbing plants in a garden or wood.

b. Who is the poet of these lines and what is the name of the poem?

Ans: John Keats is the poet of these lines and the name of the poem is “A Thing Of Beauty”.

c. Why is a thing of beauty a joy forever?

Ans: A thing of beauty is a constant source of joy forever because it neither fades nor passes into nothingness. Its beauty keeps on increasing day after day.

Q2. Read the following extracts and answer the questions:

Therefore on every, are we wreathing


From our dark spirits.

a. Why do we weave a wreath?

Ans: Every next day we weave a flowery wre:.th to bind us to the earth to develop a strong relationship with nature and with all its beautiful bounty.

b. What are the evil things that we possess?

Ans: The evil things that we possess are a disappointment; lack of noble qualities as well as evil and unhealthy ways that make our lives sad.

c. What removes the pall from our dark spirits?

Ans: Some shape of beauty or a thing of beauty removes the pall of sadness from our dark spirits.

d. Find the words from the passage that mean ‘malice’ and ‘low spirit from loss of hope or dejection’.

Ans: The meaning of the following words are as follows: ‘Malice’ means ‘spite’ and ‘low spirit from loss of hope or dejection’ means ‘gloomy’.

Q3. Read the following extracts and answer the questions:

‘With the green world they live in; and clear rills


Pouring unto us from the heaven’s brink.’

a. What makes the mid-forest break rich?

Ans: The blooming beautiful musk-rose makes the mid-forest break rich.

b. Why is the grandeur associated with the mighty dead?

Ans: The mighty dead were the forefathers or legendary people who were powerful and dominating in their own times. Their achievements and inspiring deeds made them mighty and great. Their works dazzle our eyes. We wish that they would be rewarded on the ‘Day of Judgment. Hence grandeur is associated with the ‘mighty dead’.

c. Find the words in the passage that mean ‘small streams’ and ‘stories’.

Ans: The phrase ‘small streams’ means ‘rills’. On the other hand, the word ‘stories’ means ‘tales’.

Short Answer Type (SAS) Important Questions From The Poem “A Thing of Beauty” For AHSEC

Q1. How do we bind ourselves to the earth every morning?

Ans: John Keats stresses the unbreakable bond of a man with nature and the earth in this poem. He emphasizes that every object of nature is a constant source of beauty and happiness. So every morning we wreathe a flowery band that binds us to the earth. This is a bond that keeps us in constant touch with nature and all its beautiful bounty.

Q2. What are the things of suffering and sadness to man?

Ans: Man himself is the root cause of his own pathos. The lack of nobility and human quality has been the source of all our miseries and misfortunes. Man has sought dark and evil ways to find meaning in life and has deviated from the path of virtue and association with nature. Hence, this dissociation has invited sorrow and suffering to man’s life.

Q3. What according to Keats never “passes into nothingness.”

Ans: According, to John Keats ‘a thing of beauty’ never passes into nothingness. The beauty of nature is an eternal source of delight to mankind. So, its loveliness increases day by day and can never be destroyed or diminished by time.

Q4. What increases continuously in ‘A Thing of Beauty’?

Ans: The loveliness of a thing of beauty increases continuously. John Keats says that a thing of beauty can never be devalued and it never passes into nothingness. It is an eternal source of delight to mankind.

Q5. Who are the mighty dead?

Ans: ‘Mighty dead’ are legendary people or our forefathers who have left behind inspiring deeds and admirable sagas that inspire and motivate us through generations. Their excellent achievements immortalized them through the channels of history.

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