GOING PLACES Important Questions for AHSEC 2025

In this post, you will get some expected questions from the chapter Going Places for the AHSEC HS class 12 final examination. These questions will be very useful and important for the students who are going to appear for the AHSEC HS second-year board examination. Here you will find every type of question from the chapter “Going Places”.

GOING PLACES Important Questions Answer for AHSEC Class 12 2025

Going Places 20+ Important Questions for AHSEC Class 12 Final Exam

Here are a few important questions from the chapter Going Places for the AHSEC class 12 final examination. These questions are very likely to come up in the examination and will be very helpful for students to revise their studies. There is every type of question prepared in this post.

You will get very short answer type questions (1 mark each), short answer type questions (2 marks each), and long answer type questions (5 marks each) important questions from the chapter Going Places for AHSEC Class 12 students with answers.

Important 1 Mark Questions from Going Places for AHSEC HS Second Year

(1) Answer the following questions: (1 mark each)

a. What does Sophie want to have when she grows up?

Ans: Sophie wants to have a boutique when she grows up.

b. How was Geoff employed?

Ans: Geoff was employed as an apprentice mechanic.

c. Who is the writer of ‘Going Places’?

Ans: A. R. Barton is the writer of ‘Going Places’.

d. Did Sophie really meet Danny Casey?

Ans: No, Sophie didn’t really meet Danny Casey.

e. Where was it most likely that Sophie and her friend would work after school?

Ans: It was most likely that Sophie and her friend would work after school in a biscuit factory.

f. Who are the two friends in the story ‘Going Places’?

Ans: Sophie and Jansie are the two friends in the story “Going Places’.

g. Who is Danity Casey?

Ans: Danny Casey is an Irish football player. He plays for United.

h. Which country Danny Casey play for?

Ans: Danny Casey plays for the country Ireland.

i. Who is Derek?

Ans: Derek is Sophie’s younger brother.

j.’ Which is the only occasion that Sophie gets to see Casey in person?

Ans: The only occasion that Sophie gets to see Danny Casey in person is during the Saturday football match in the stadium when he plays for his club the United.

k. For whom does Sophie ask Danny Casey for an autograph?

Ans. Sophie asks Danny Casey for an autograph for her younger brother Derek.

l. Who is Janie’s bother?

Ans: Frank is Jansie’s brother.

Short Answer Type Question from AHSEC Class 12 English Textbook Chapter Going Places

(a). What job was Geoff engaged in? Does he entertain wild and impractical dreams like his sister?

Ans: Geoff is the elder brother of Sophie. He is three years out of school. He is engaged as an apprentice mechanic and travels to his work each day to the far side of the city. No, he doesn’t entertain wild and impractical Greams like his sister. He speaks little at all.

(b). What other dreams does Sophie have besides having a boutique?

Ans: Sophie is popular for her wild and imaginative stories. She tells her friend Jansie that besides having a boutique, she will be a manager of a shop, become an actress because there is real money jp that, or a fashion designer as she feels it is something a bit sophisticated.

(c). What theme does the story ‘Going Places’ explore?

Ans: In the story ‘Going Places’, the author A. R. Barton explores the theme of adolescent fantasizing and hero worship. The author presents a school-going girl Sophie. She is a daydreamer and escapist. She dreams of big and beautiful things far beyond her reach and means, also she considers the young Irish footballer, Danny Casey as her hero. She is always lost in her dreams.

(d). Why is Sophie “jealous of Geoff’s silence”?

Ans: Geoff is the elder brother of Sophie. He is three years out of school. He is engaged as an apprentice mechanic and travels to his work each day to the far side of the city. He is almost grown up and she suspects areas of his life about which she knows nothing, about which he never speaks. He says little at all. Words have to be prized out of him like stones out of the ground. Hence she is jealous of his silence.

(e). What is incongruous about the ‘delicate bow which fastened the apron string of Sophie’s mother’?

Ans: Sophie watched her mother’s back stoop over the sink and wondered at the incongruity of the delicate bow that fastened her apron strings. There was no matching between the delicate-seeming how and the crooked back of Sophie’s mother. Hence, it is incongruous about ‘the delicate bow which fastened the apron string of Sophie’s mother’.

(f). What kind of person is Geoff?

Ans: Geoff is the elder brother of Sophie. He is three years out of school. He is engaged as an apprentice mechanic and travels to his work each day to the far side of the city. He is almost grown up and speaks little at all. Words have to be prized out of him like stones out of the ground He doesn’t entertain wild and impractical dreams like his sister.

(g). Why doesn’t Sophie want Jansie to know about her supposed meeting with Casey?

Ans: Jansie came to know about the story of Sophie’s meeting with Danny Casey. She has come to enquire if it is true. She is curious to know the fact, but Sophie is startled. She looks at the ground scolding Geoff. Sophie fears that if she reveals everything nervously before Jansie then she will spread the news to the whole neighborhood. Therefore, she doesn’t want to know Jansie about her supposed meeting with Casey.

Important Long Answer Type Questions from Going Places for AHSEC (5 Marks)

(1). What do you learn ave” the socio-economic status of Sophie’s family?

Ans: The socio-economic background that Sophie and her family belong to is clearly given in the story “Going Places’. They belong to a lower-middle-class family. The interior of their room and references to Geoff’s job or Sophie’s father’s temperament and character reveal everything about this. The incongruity of Sephie’s mother’s apron bow with the house and her mother’s bent back. Sophie is a daydreamer and escapist. She dreams of things that she can’t get in real. Their priority is a blessed decent house, not an expensive boutique. They live in a small room that tells their own story of grim poverty.

However, they have a television and, maybe, other necessary things in relation to their low-middle class status. The small room is steamy from the stove and is cluttered with the heavy breathing man and the dirty washing piled up in the comer. The indicators of their financial status cause ‘a tightening’ in Sophie’s throat. Sophie’s father is a straightforward guy with no pretensions of sophistication. He even doesn’t know how to cultivate good relations with his own grown-up children. Geoff is working at a young age as an apprentice mechanic and self-dependent. They went to the match by bus. Sophie saw her father’s bicycle at the pub. All this shows their socio-economic background clearly.

(2). ‘While Sophie has no touch with reality, Jansie’s feet are firmly planted on the ground.’ Show how Sophie and Jansie, though friends, are poles apart in character and temperament.

Ans: Sophie and Jansie are good friends and studying in the same school. After a few months, they both will complete their school studies. Sophie tells her friend Jansie, that she wants to have a boutique, and to get the money she will be a manager, an actress, or a fashion designer. Jansie is doubtful. If we analyze both the characters Sophie and Jansie then we will find that Sophie is an ambitious girl who wants to make her liberal world.

She lives in a world of dreams and fantasies. She loves her elder brother Geoff and wants to be a part of his grown-up world. She is possessive about him and wants him to understand and believe her. Geoff’s quiet personality attracts her because she imagines his friends and the places he is going. On the other hand, Jansie is practical because she tries to put off Sophie from her dreams by talking about their situation.

Also, she is realistic because she tells her friend about the biscuit factory where they have to join after school. She is happy and satisfied with whatever she has. She is not very ambitious. She doesn’t want to go places. She has surrendered herself before her socio-economic conditions. Although they both are friends, they are poles apart in character and temperament.

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