What is Institutional Planning? – Its Meaning, Definition & Characteristics

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What is institutional Planning? What are the characteristics and requisites of Institutional Planning? This article will discuss the meaning, definition, characteristics, and requisites of institutional planning in detail. We will also discuss the various steps involved in institutional planning.

What is Institutional Planning? – Its Meaning and Definition

Planning is a prerequisite for the successful implementation of a project or for the attainment of any objective. It is of paramount importance in every walk of life. It is an essential ingredient for attaining success. Planning implies visualization in advance.

It means thanking before handing over a problem and visualizing completely the various steps to be taken for the successful implementation and completion of a venture. Planning ensures economic. Economy of time and energy.

What is institutional Planning? - Its meaning, definition and characteristics

In the absence of planning, there will be much waste of time and energy and there will be confusion all around. Thus, planning is essential for bringing about improvement and development in any field including education, teaching, and the general performance of educational institutions.

Meaning of institutional planning:

Institutional planning implies, planning at the institutional level. This means preparing plans for the improvement and development of educational institutions by themselves rather than trying to implement the plans are schemes prepared by the authorities above. Therefore, an institutional plan is a plan that is prepared by a particular institution on the basic felt needs and requirements for its own improvement and development.

Institutional planning signified the decentralization of educational planning. To create a planning atmosphere in each institution the Indian Education Commission (1964- 66) has recommended institutional planning for this purpose. Each institution should have its own long-term and short-term purpose. Thus, plans can be initiated formulated, and implemented by individual educational institutions throughout the country.

Definition of Institutional Planning:

According to E.W. Franklin, institutional planning is a milestone in the journey toward the improvement of education. The teacher is the kingpin in any educational effort. It is for the first time that the teaching community is being asked to act as the planner and executor of educational improvement.

Characteristics of Institutional Planning:

The main characteristics of institutional planning are-

(1) It is need-based:

An institutional plan is prepared to keep in view the needs and requirements of the school. According, only the personnel working in a particular school know about their problems, needs, and requirements. The institutional plan is prepaid to fulfill the felt needs and requirements of a particular school. 

(2) It is goal oriented:

An institutional plan is prepared to achieve specific goals, aims, and objectives. The goals be clearly stated. Once the goals are clearly and definitely set.

(3) Improvement and development:

An institutional plan should aim at bringing about improvement as well as development. Improvement implies modification of something that is already existing, and development implies adding something new to the institution e.g. constructing a few additional classrooms as per requirement.

(4) Maximum utilization of resources:

This means making use of the resources that are available or are likely to be available, without waiting for any grant or outside help. The available resources are to be fully exploited for the completion of an institutional plan.

(5) Short-term and long-term plan:

An institutional plan may be of short or long duration. This will make the plan more specific and practical.

(6) It is flexible:

An institutional plan once prepared should not be followed rigidly and hardly. It may be modified and even changed according to the requirements.

(7) It is co-operative:

All the school personnel must cooperate in the accomplishment of the objectives of the institutional plan. It should not be a man’s show, rather everybody should be associated with the completion of the plan.

(8) It is democratic in character:

Democratic procedure be followed in the preparation as well as implementation of the plan. Everybody must have a say in its preparation and everybody should be considered as a partner in the completion of the plan.

Thus, each school prepares its own plan to bring about the needed improvement and development.

Also Read: What are the Advantages and Objectives of Institutional Planning?

Requisites of an Institutional Plan

The requisites of an institutional plan are as follows:

(i) The plan should be goal-oriented.

(ii) The plan should be prepared for the needs of the school as identified by the school staff.

(iii) It should be based on the principle of optimum utilization of the resources available within the school and the community.

(iv) It should be a cooperative venture of the community management, school staff, and students.

(v) It should result in improvement and motivation of the part of teachers, students, community, and management.

(vi) It should be continuously developing. An institutional plan should not be it should admit changes.

(vii) It should result in the establishment of democratic procedures within the schools.

(viii) It should be tailor-made for an institution. There cannot be a plan for all the institutions.

(ix) An important outcome of institutional planning should be the establishment of a better rapport with the community.

(x) It should aim at school improvement as well as school development.

Steps in the Preparation of an Institutional Plan

The important in preparing a plan of improvement development for a school are:

  1. The survey felt the needs of the school and resources available or likely to be available in the school and the community.
  2. Plans and projects-experimental or developmental or both taking into consideration the school needs and available resources and local, district, state, and national plans.
  3. Execute within resources and with a maximum of effort.
  4. Evaluate improvement and development programs in terms of needs, and resources and find out if the plan is successful.

Also Read: Steps to Executing an Institutional Plan

FAQs on Institutional Planning

Q. What is Institutional Planning?

An institutional plan is a plan that is prepared by a particular institution on the basic felt needs and requirements for its own improvement and development.

Q. Give one definition of Institutional Planning.

E.W. Franklin – Institutional planning is a milestone in the journey towards the improvement of education. The teacher is the kingpin in any educational effort.

Q. What are the characteristics of institutional planning?

(i) Need-based.
(ii) Goal-oriented.
(iii) Improvement and development.
(iv) Maximum utilization of resources.
(v) Flexible.
(vi) Co-operative.
(vii) Democratic in character.

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