Institutional planning is important for the all-round development of an institution. It gives direction to run a school smoothly without any inconvenience. Now, what are the steps involved in executing an institutional plan? What major factors would you take into account while framing good institutional planning for the development of your school?

In this article, we will discuss the various steps involved in executing an institutional plan in detail. We will also learn what major factors have to be taken into account while framing good institutional planning for the development of your school.
5 Steps Involved in Executing an Institutional Plan:
While preparing a plan or scheme of work in a school, several considerations should be kept in mind. As the plan is to be framed according to the local needs of the school, no hard and fast rules can be laid down for the preparation of such as chime. The following steps may be found useful in this direction.
The various steps to executing an institutional plan are as follows.
#1 Surveying the needs of the school:
Before preparing a plan, the headmaster and the teachers should sit together and survey the needs or problems of the school that require improvement or development. It is also desirable that the students or the community may be asked to help.
The discussion may throw light on the various needs of the school. However, not all the needs can be met simultaneously. The needs which require urgent attention and which can be conveniently met by the school should be considered first.
#2 Surveying available resources:
The headmaster and the teachers should conduct a survey of the material and human resources in the school as well as in the community. Resources in the school are the teachers, the building, equipment, the library, the laboratory, records, etc. The community resources should also be tapped. There may be banks, libraries, farms, factories, technical institutions museums, places of historical, geographical, or social importance, etc.
Also, the human resources of the community are doctors, engineers, military personnel, farmers, etc. They help the institution in a number of ways. So, the school authorities should think of all possible resources that will be helpful in meeting the urgent needs of the school.
#3 Preparing the plan:
Keeping in view the available resources, a detailed plan is to be worked out to solve the problem at hand. In the plan, there should be written duration and resources to be used and the whole procedure of work.
#4 Execution of the plan:
Then the whole plan will be executed as it has been planned. The headmaster and the teachers see that the plan is carried to completion properly. The scheme should be followed up enthusiastically.
#5 Evaluation of the Scheme:
When the scheme is executed, it must be evaluated. In fact, evaluation should go side by side during the course of action. The teacher in charge should see that the work is going on satisfactorily. In the end, the evaluation may be done by all the concerned teachers and the headmaster. Some experts from outside may also be invited for the purpose.
In this way, an institutional plan can be prepared and executed.
Also Read: What is Institutional Planning? – What are its Characteristics?
Major Factors Which Take Into Account While Framing a Good Institutional Planning
We have already learned about the various steps involved in executing an institutional plan. Now let us see what factor would you take into account while framing an institutional plan.
Certain factors need to be taken into account while framing an institutional plan. This factor helps in the all-round development of the school. The major factors you would take into account while framing good institutional planning for the development of your school are as follows:
1. To give proper direction to educational planning in the country:
Institutional planning is required to make educational planning in the country more realistic. It reverses the normal trend followed today where the direction of the planning is from top to bottom.
Institutional planning will give the right direction to education in the country i.e. the upward direction from bottom to top. institutional planning is a recognition of the role of practitioners- teachers and institutional administrators in the process of planning education in the country.
2. To encourage initiative, freedom, and creativity of the individual teacher and make the individual teacher effective:
To weed out-of-date practices and initiate the new, ones, teachers must have initiative and freedom. In every school, there should be living cells where some creative thinking is generated. The teacher is the kingpin in any institutional effort. Let him be the planner as he is generally the executor of educational policies. Let educational planning become by and large, an activity of those engaged in the tasks of education. Only then planning will result in round procedures and solid achievements.
3. To fill education to the brim:
India is a poor country with limited resources. So it cannot compete with other countries as far as expenditure on education is concerned. But we can compete on the basis of human effort, on the basis of talent, on the basis of better planning.
There are resources in our educational institutions which are not put to optimum use. There is an underuse of both human and material resources. There is a lot of wastage and stagnation. If you want to fill education to the brim, you have to see to it that available resources are not wasted and we are not going out all the time with a begging bowl to the treasury vaults.
4. In such a large country, one single omnibus prescription does not suit:
Let there be a variety of experiments going on the millions of the institutions of this country. To lay emphasis on dead uniformity in such a huge country will prove very harmful.
5. A via media between should and could be found:
In a poor country, the limits to what can be done in education are set by what one can afford and not by social demands. The limits can be extended somewhat if the institutional base for planning can be a lever to explore the possible ways of getting more performance out of the same available money and community resources. We can try to find out via media between the ‘shoulds’ and ‘coulds’ and concentrate on the ‘possible good instead of craving for the impossible better.
6. Optimum use of existing resources for the ultimate improvement of the educational system in all its parameters:
Regarding this, the recommendation of the Indian Education Commission is worth noting. According to this “Even within its existing resources, however limited they may be, every educational institution can do a great deal more through better planning and harder work, to improve the quality of education it provides.
In our opinion, therefore, the emphasis on this movement should not be so much on physical resources as on motivating the human agencies concerned to make their best efforts in a coordinated manner for the improvement of education, and thereby offset the shortcomings in the physical resources.
There are a large number of programs that an educational institution can undertake based on human effort despite the paucity of physical resources. These include reduction in stagnation and wastage, improvement of teaching methods, enrichment of curricula, trying out new techniques, and improved methods of organizing the instructional competence of teachers through programs of self-study. It is the planning and implementation of programs of this type that should be emphasized.
Also Read: Advantages and Objectives of Institutional Planning
An institutional plan is a plan that is prepared by a particular institution on the basic felt needs and requirements for its own improvement and development.
(i) Surveying the needs of the school
(ii) Surveying available resources
(iii) Preparing the plan
(iv) Executing the plan
(v) Evaluation of the scheme
(i) Improvising the standard of education.
(ii) Improving instruction.
(iii) Better utilization of resources.
(iv) Active participation by teachers.