What is Community Resources? Utilization of Community Resources for the Welfare of the School

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What is community? What are Community Resources? How will you utilize community resources for the welfare of the school? Discuss the different modes of the utilization of community resources for the welfare of the school. In this article, we will discuss the meaning, definition, and utilization of community resources in detail. Here notes on community resources are given for B.Ed. students.

What is Community? – Meaning of Community [ Notes of B.Ed. Students]

The term community has many different meanings. It can be used to refer to all the people who live in a particular locality or district. Another set of meanings of community refers less to locality and formal relationship. In this sense the relationship based on the interests of the people in which people see themselves are seen by others, as having in common is community.

How to utilize community resources for the Welfare of the School?

Thus, a community is a group of people who live in a geographical area and have an interest in each other for the purpose of making a living. It is a form of social organization existing between the family and the state.

What are Community Resources?

Resources means property. The resources are two types-material and non-material, physical or human while the economic development of a country is concerned with physical resource development, education is concerned with human resource development. Each community in India has a number of resources which can be profitably utilized. It is believed that by a well-planned interaction between the school and the community, this resource can be utilized for the development of education.

How to utilize community resources for the Welfare of the School?

Community resources are a valuable source of informal education. It can be proved effective if successfully implemented for educational purposes. There are different modes of utilization.

(1) Utilisation of mass media:

(a) For economic consciousness:

Most of Indians are economically poor. Poverty is the basic trait of Indians. Though the storage of the latest resources is huge in India there is no scope for utilizing them Television and radio should broadcast agricultural and industrial programs to utilize the land and labor and raise consciousness of this concern.

(b) For political consciousness:

Press, radio, and Television should endeavor to provide the rights and duties of each citizen by different means of communication. Every man should be intimated regarding his political position and thus an effective political system can be chalked out.

(c) For social consciousness:

Clubs, organizations, and other social institutions provide social consciousness and arrange meetings against traditional blind belief and prejudice. These organizations. Should create social consciousness through street drama, theatre and public meetings, processions, demonstrations, etc.

(2) Utilisation of Land:

Lands monuments village forests etc are included in the land. The plant represents human life. So, sow plantations and horticulture should be given priority and these have an important impact on human life. These indirectly influence education as geographical knowledge and technological knowledge.

(3) Utilization of Human Resources:

Human resources is another important of community resources. Community resources cannot be effectively utilized without trained and educated human resources. Education is the preservation, transformation, and transfer of ancient cultural heritage.

Moreover, education insists on the development of research, innovation, invention, and discoveries of scientific phenomena. This can be effectively implemented only when human resources are well-trained and educated. Then the utilization of human resources will cover almost all the sections of the community i.e. sanitary provision, business, agriculture, education, etc.


Thus, it is clear that utilization of community resources is indeed important. Bridges the gap between education and community and produces social. Conscious individual. It makes learning informal and interesting by providing first-hand experience. Lastly to make education less expensive and to give up-to-date information, school-community relationship helps a lot.

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FAQs on Community Resources

Q. What is a community?

A community is a group of people who live in a geographical area and have an interest in each other for the purpose of making a living.

Q. What are community resources for schools in India?

Each community in India has several resources that can be profitably utilized for the welfare of the school. These are called community resources for schools.

Q. Give 5 Examples of Community Resources available for the welfare of the school.

Community resources that can be utilized for the welfare of the school are – mass media, land, human resources, infrastructure, community hall, library, etc.

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