What is classroom organization? What are the various features of classroom organization? What are the purposes of classroom organization? In this article, we will discuss in detail on classroom organization, its meaning, features, and purposes. Classroom organization is very important for teachers and is a part of the B.Ed. course, this article will help B.Ed. students to learn and understand it in detail.
Classroom Organization Notes for B.Ed. Students
With the increasing need and function of education, a school building needs to provide a variety of rooms in order to facilitate learning and teaching. They include a music room, store and supply room, museum room, auditorium room, and art and craft room. According to Kothari, commission “Destiny of the nation is shaped in its classroom”. Thus, their rooms are not absolutely essential, but they do facilitate and improve instruction when available and used effectively”.

Classroom organization is a combination of two words, viz, class and organization. Both have different meanings.
What is a Class?
A class in an organized group of students assembled at the same place with a definite purpose in view. It may be described as the workshop for building the future of a nation. Like all other organizations, a class must be directed and controlled in order to achieve its objectives efficiently. It acts as an experimental laboratory for learning and teaching.
What is an Organisation?
On the other hand, organization means to bring into existence. The organization is directly connected with planning and efforts made by the people. It is the coordinated activities of a group of persons constituting the organization to lead the common goal.
Thus, classroom organizations are like factories of manufacturing for the future citizens of the country.
Meaning of Classroom Organization
Classroom organization is a way of arranging seating or sitting positions and various learning centers in a classroom. In a multigrade classroom, Classroom organization varies according to circumstances. The circumstances may include available resources, the learners, the environment, the curriculum, learner ages, the number of leamer ages, the number of learners, the training level and experience of the teacher, and the number of grades in a class.
9 Main Features or Aspects of Classroom Organisation in a School
In the modern school system, a classroom should be well equipped in order to serve the growing need for education. The classroom should be ideal and a workable one and the desirable space also at present is twenty-five to thirty-five sq. feet for each student as per the prescribed standard of measurement.
At present collective teaching has been replaced by individual learning and instruction. As such the traditional classroom environment has been transformed into a laboratory environment where the teachers and students may actively participate. From the point of view of the modern method of teaching classroom organization has assumed a new significance.
In view of this fact, for the effective arrangement of classroom organization attention may be given to the following aspects, features, or equipment.
(1) In classroom organization, first importance should be given to the structure of the room, i.e. mostly the rectangular types and semicircular shapes rooms are equally good.
(2) Dimensions of a classroom depend upon the number of students who are to be seated. For instance, we need 400 square feet of space for 40 students. According to the standard of measurement, now dimensions of a room should be 30×25. The height of the room should be 20 feet.
(3) The classroom should have doors, windows, and ventilators, on both sides so that sunshine and away.
(4) Moreover, the rooms should be constructed in such a way that there is provision for proper light entry from the north side.
(5) The rooms should be constructed to see that the noise and sound coming from the neighboring classes cannot be disturbed.
(6) The furniture in the classrooms should be of the type which is comfortable for the students. In the case of junior students, the desks and benches can be of smaller size where they may sit comfortably.
Ryburn gives a very good opinion about the distance of the seat from the desk for reading and writing purposes. He says, "The plus position is best for reading and standing, the minus position of writing. Seats should be of such a height that children's feet do not dangle but reach the floor, seat should have backs. Preferably these backs should be adjustable to fit the backs of pupils using the scent."
(7) There should be a shelf almirah, cupboard, etc. attached to the side walls for keeping necessary teaching aids and materials.
(8) The blackboard is a necessary equipment for every classroom. The blackboard should be located where the written work by the teacher will be visible to all. Light should come to the board not from the back side, but from the front side. It should not be placed in the windows.
(9) There should be a platform and a table placed in front of the classroom. A chart, diagram, audio-visual aids, and map should be attached to the front wall for effective use by the teacher.
If properly arranged the furniture and equipment, it will make the classroom a learning laboratory. Varieties of learning situations with frequent changes in their activities will be possible in a classroom. It is the responsibility of the teacher who make the best use of a variety of instructional materials.
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What are the purposes of Classroom Organization?
It is a very hard and crucial task to be involved in the teaching profession. Educational administrators, teachers, and parents face the problem of training our students in classroom organization. There are different types of I.Q. levels children have found in the classroom, so, it is difficult to manage them in the same way.
In that situation, a teacher has great responsibilities to help his/her students in their proper development and only good classroom organization can give these priorities. The main purposes of classroom organization are as follows:
- In teaching teaching-learning process, classroom organization is very much essential.
- Classroom organization creates a suitable climate or atmosphere for the progressive change of the learners.
- It is also providing different opportunities to the children through the use of various educational equipment which is found in the classroom.
- It makes provision for health services and tries to teach about discipline.
- It strengthens cooperation among the students and uses audio-visual aids such as computers, charts, maps, and T.V. telecasts to make learning effective and easily acceptable to the learner.
- It shall make higher educational opportunities available for a large segment of the society.
- Classroom organization provides equal educational opportunities to the learner irrespective of their status and position. So, these are the main purposes of classroom organization.
Classroom organization is a way of arranging seating or sitting positions and various learning centers in a classroom.
According to the standard of measurement, the dimensions of a room should be 30×25. The height of the room should be 20 feet.
Classroom organization provides equal educational opportunities to the learner irrespective of their status and position.