The Skill of Achieving Closure in Science Micro Plan

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This is a sample micro-teaching Lesson plan for the skill of Achieving Closure in Science for B.Ed. This science micro lesson plan for achieving closure will be very helpful to those who are pursuing B.Ed. or D. El. Ed. under any teacher training institution. In this post, you will be able to learn how to make a micro lesson plan for achieving closure skills.

B.Ed. Micro-Teaching Lesson Plan For Mathematics on The Skill of Achieving Closure

B.Ed. Micro-Teaching Lesson Plan For Science on The Skill of Achieving Closure

The Skill of Achieving Closure is one of the major skills of micro-teaching. It is the last skill that is practiced in micro-teaching. The object of this skill is to conclude the chapter or topic that has already been discussed.

Micro-teaching is practiced in every teacher training institution or B.Ed. colleges. It is practiced in the 3rd semester of B.Ed. the program which is under Dibrugarh University. To practice micro-teaching, we need to make a micro lesson plan for that particular subject.

If you want to practice micro-teaching the skill of achieving closure in Science, then you have to make a micro lesson plan of science for the skill of Achieving Closure. Before you start making your micro-teaching plan for any subject on any skill, you should have proper knowledge of those skills.

Components of The Skill:

There are four components of the skill of achieving closure. They are –

  1. Consolidation of learning by questioning, statement, etc
  2. Cognitive Link with
    (i) What already learned
    (ii) What follows
  3. Application of acquired knowledge/skill
  4. Creating a sense of achievement

You have to understand each and every component of this skill to use it in your science micro-teaching lesson for the skill of achieving closure. Otherwise, your activities and components will not match. For a better understanding of these skills, you can refer to the post on Components of Achieving Closure.

Model Science Micro Lesson Plan On The Skill of Achieving Closure For B.Ed. PDF

In this post, you are going to learn how to make a proper lesson plan for science on the skill of achieving closure from a sample micro plan. This sample micro plan is on the topic – “Components of Food” from class 6. You can choose your topic if you want to.

Below you will see the attached PDF file of the Science Micro Plan of Achieving Closure which is made for Micro-Teaching in B.Ed.


To make a micro plan on achieving closure, choose a good topic from where you can ask different types of questions as well as you can give an assignment from this topic. The format for this skill is very similar to other skills. The only thing you should keep in mind is to use the components of achieving closure in your micro plan.

This is just a sample micro plan of science for achieving closure to practice micro-teaching in B.Ed. From this, you will able to make micro lesson plans on this skill for any subject you want.

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