Social Science Fluency in Questioning Skill Micro Lesson Plan

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The skill of fluency in questioning is one of the major micro-teaching skills practiced in teacher training institutions or B.Ed. college. In this post, you will learn how to make a micro lesson plan of social science for the skill of fluency in questioning. You will get a few sample/example questions for the skill of fluency in questioning in social science.

Micro-Teaching Lesson Plan for The Skill of Fluency in Questioning For Social Science

If you are pursuing a B.Ed. course under any University or in any institution you will need to practice micro-teaching. For that, you have to make a micro lesson plan. There are 10 major skills of micro-teaching, for every skill you will need to make a micro-teaching lesson plan separately.

Skill of Reinforcement in Social Science Micro Lesson Plan for B.Ed.

Since each micro-teaching skill is different from others, it is obvious that the micro-lesson plan will also be different. In this article, we will discuss how to make a proper micro lesson plan of social science for the skill of fluency in questioning. Also, please make sure that you know properly about micro-teaching.

Before you start making this micro-teaching lesson plan for the skill of fluency in questioning in social science, it is very important to know the components of this skill. You have used all of the components of the fluency skill in your social science micro lesson plan. You have to understand the meaning of each component to properly use it in your social science micro lesson plan

Components of The Fluency or Questioning Skill to be Used in Social Science Micro Lesson Plan

There are eight components of the skill of fluency in questioning. No matter for what subject you are going to make a micro lesson plan on this skill, you have to include all of these components. In this case, components of fluency skills to be used in social science micro lesson plans are given below –

  • Clarity
  • Conciseness
  • Relevancy
  • Specificity
  • Pacing
  • Coherence
  • Pausing
  • Directing

Model Micro Lesson Plan on Questioning Skill in Social Science for B.Ed.

Now we will make a social science micro-teaching lesson plan for the skill of fluency in question. Our topic is “Problem of Unemployment” which is taken from the class IX Social Science (Part III) textbook.

Identification of Data:

Subject: Social Science (Part III)
Topic: Problem of unemployment
Class: IX
Teacher: …….
Time: 6 minutes
Date: …….

Introduction to the Topic:

StepsTeacher’s ActivitiesPupil’s ActivitiesComponents of the skill
The teacher will ask the following questions to the pupils in clear and simple language after discussing the topic taught in the class. After every question, the teacher will pause for a while and he/she will direct pupils at random to give answers. He/she will give clues where necessary and ask questions of different order to meet the needs of the students of different mental levels follows:    The pupils will listen attentively.          
The pupils will answer as.

Presentation/Development of the Topic:

StepsTeacher’s ActivitiesPupil’s ActivitiesComponents of the skill
i)What is unemployment?            
ii) How many types of unemployment?    

iii) What are the types of unemployment?    

iv) What are the types of rural unemployment?    

v) Is educated unemployment a type of urban unemployment?  

vi) What are the causes of unemployment?    
Unemployment means those people have the ability and desire to work but do not get any opportunity to do so.  

There are…2 types.      

i) Rural ii) Urban      

i) Seasonal ii) Disguised    

Yes, Madam/sir      

i)High rate of population growth ii)Jobless growth iii)stagnant agricultural development iv)Slow rate of industrialization v)Faulty educational system     


Specificity & Directing,    



Pausing & Coherence,

Conclusion Of The Topic (Fluency Skill):

StepsTeacher’s ActivitiesPupil’s ActivitiesComponents of the skill
The teacher will appreciate the responses of the pupils and encourage them for their future progress. After explaining the importance of the lesson in brief he/she comes out of the classroom.The pupils listen attentively.                 

Class 9 Problem of Unemployment Micro Lesson Plan PDF for B.Ed. on Skill of Fluency in Questioning

The view of the above micro plan may not work properly on mobile devices. So, I have attached the PDF of this micro-teaching lesson plan for the skill of fluency in questioning in Social Science. For a better understanding please refer to the PDF version of this micro plan.

This is just a sample micro-teaching lesson plan of social science for questioning or fluency skills. With the help of these example questions of the fluency skill, you will be able to make your questions. You can change the topic, subject, and class according to your needs. The images of the above micro lesson plan on fluency in questioning skills in science are given below.

Also Read: Social Science Micro Lesson Plan for the Skill of Reinforcement

Please don’t forget to review the format of this micro plan of social science on questioning skills. The format may differ slightly from the format provided by your institution or B.Ed. college. So, Please check the format before your final submission.

However, these sample social science questions for questioning or fluency in questioning skills will be the same everywhere. Only the writing format may be different.

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