If you are searching for micro-teaching lesson plans for Social Science / Social Study, then you are at the very right place. In this post, you will learn how to make a social science lesson plan for the skill of probing questions in micro-teaching. I will provide an example of a micro lesson plan for the skill of Probing Questions in Social Science.
Micro Lesson Plan The Skill of Probing Questions in Social Science
The skill of probing questions is a very important skill that a teacher has to master. You will need to ask questions at every level of teaching. Probing Questions are primarily asked generally at the beginning of a lesson or a topic. These questions aimed to give a hint to the answer to a previous question that the teacher asked.

What is the Skill of Probing Questions?
The skill of Probing Questions involves going deep into a pupil’s response by asking a series of subsequent questions. It helps the pupils to give a correct and complete answer. This skill requires the teacher to put a series of questions about the answer given to the first question.
Components of Probing Questions Skill to be used in the Micro Plan
The various components that are needed to include while preparing a social science micro lesson plan on the skill of probing questions are as follows.
- Prompting
- Redirecting
- Refocusing
- Seeking further information
- Questions aimed at critical awareness & evaluation
Before making a lesson plan on any skill of micro-teaching you have to know its components and how to use these components on the given skill. This is very important and hard. Your questions should match the respective components of probing questions skills.
Model Social Science B.Ed. Micro Lesson Plan on “Flood” for Probing Questions Skill
The skill of probing questions is one of the major skills of micro-teaching practiced in the teacher training institution or B.Ed. Colleges. To practice micro-teaching you will need to make a micro lesson plan for that skill. So, in this post, we will discuss how to make a social science micro lesson plan for the skill of probing questions.
In This micro lesson plan for the skill of probing questions in social science, we will learn to use the components of this skill in proper questions. The topic for this social science / Social study micro lesson plan is “Flood” which is taken from the class 8 textbook.
Also Read: Social Science Micro Teaching Lesson Plan for Skill of Reinforcement
To make this micro plan we will follow a few simple steps. These are, writing identification of data, introduction to the topic, development of the topic, and finally the conclusion of the topic. (For a better view of this social science micro plan, please view the attached PDF of this lesson plan.)
Identification of Data:
Subject: Social Science Topic: Flood Class: VIII | Student Teacher: …… Time: 7 minutes Date: …… |
Introduction, Development, and Conclusion of Probing Questions Skill
Steps | Teacher’s Activities | Pupil’s Activities | Components of the skill |
I N T R O D U C T I O N | The teacher will welcome the pupils and ask the following questions: (After every question the teacher will pause for a little while and he/she will direct pupils at random to give answers. He/she will give clues if necessary.) | The pupils are expected to answer correctly as follows: | All the components of fluency in questioning |
Steps | Teacher’s Activities | Pupil’s Activities | Components of the skill |
D E V E L O P M E N T D E V E L O P M E N T | 1. How does flood stand as a barrier to the economic development of a country? (pupil’s name) 2. Alright, What type of destruction is generally seen in society because of floods? (The teacher will provide this question as a clue or hint which help the pupil to respond.) 3. (The teacher deals with an incomplete response) Name other destroys. 4. When the flood destroys crops the production of crops will be high or low? (ask other pupils) 5. If the farmers cannot produce crops how they will affect them? 6. Tell me one state of India which gets an effect on agriculture due to floods? 7. Is there any other bad effect on society due to the flood? 8. What steps will you suggest to prevent society from the flood? | No response Loss of life, damaged roads Destroys crops, houses Low They cannot sell their crops in the market and cannot earn money. Assam Disease, animal death. Embankment, plantation, build houses above the flood level. | Prompting Seeking further information Redirecting Refocusing Seeking further information Seeking further information The question aimed at critical awareness. |
Steps | Teacher’s Activities | Pupil’s Activities | Components of the skill |
C O N C L U S I O N | The teacher will appreciate the responses of the pupils and encourage them for their future progress. After explaining the importance of the lesson in brief he/she comes out of the classroom. | The pupils listen attentively. |
This is just a sample lesson plan to learn how to make a social study lesson plan for probing skills. From this, you will be able to make as many lesson plans on this skill on any topic.
PDF – Social Science Micro Lesson Plan on the Skill of Probing Questions for B.Ed.
The above format of the lesson plan may not work properly on mobile devices. So, I have attached the PDF version of the above micro plan for the skill of probing questions in social science. With the help of this example of a micro lesson plan on the skill of probing questions in social science, you will be able to prepare your micro lesson plan on any topic that you want.
Please note that the format of this lesson plan may vary depending on the institution you are studying at. But the basic way of making a lesson plan for probing questions skill whether it is for social science or social study, English is the same. Before your final submission please verify the format of this lesson plan. If you are studying in B.Ed. colleges that are under Dibrugarh University, this lesson plan should be perfect for you.