Skill of Introducing a Lesson in Social Science Micro Plan for B.Ed.

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If you are searching for a micro-teaching lesson plan for social science, then you are at the very right place. In this post, I will teach how to make a micro lesson plan for the skill of Introducing a Lesson in Social Science. I will also give you the PDF version of this social plan which will be very helpful in your micro-teaching.

The Skill of Introducing a Lesson in Social Science Micro Lesson Plan for B.Ed.

A good introduction leads to good classroom interaction. Grabbing attention is necessary for a teacher to raise motivation and interest in learning in the classroom. So, in micro-teaching the skill of introducing a lesson is taught for teacher trainees. Let us understand more about the skill of introducing a lesson. 

What is the Skill of Introducing a Lesson?

The skill of introducing a lesson is one of the major skills practiced in micro-teaching. The skill of introduction deals with the techniques or ways by which a teaching professional should introduce a certain topic to grab the attention and interest of the learners. 

To introduce a lesson a teacher has to understand the components of the skill of introducing a lesson and apply it accordingly. The various components of the introduction skill are as follows.

Components of Introduction Skill:

Now let see what are the components of the skill of introducing a lesson plan which is a major skill of micro-teaching practiced in B.Ed. colleges or teacher training institutions. There are four major components of introduction skills. These are –

  1. Preliminary attention gaining
  2. Use of relevant previous knowledge
  3. Use of the appropriate device
  4. Explicit link with content

As you already know you will need to make a micro lesson plan to practice micro-teaching in your B.Ed. colleges. So, it is very important how to make a proper micro-teaching lesson plan for a particular skill of micro-teaching. In this post, we will discuss how to make a social science / social study lesson plan for the skill of introducing a lesson for B.Ed.

Before you start making a micro lesson plan for any subject on any skill say for the skill of introducing a lesson in social science, you must have complete knowledge of this skill of micro-teaching. You have to know how to use the components of introduction skills in your social science or social study micro lesson plan.

Social Science Skill of Introducing a Lesson Micro Lesson Plan

We will learn all of these with this sample micro-teaching lesson plan of social science for introducing skills. The topic of this micro lesson plan is “Our Constitution” taken from the class 8 social science textbook.

Model Micro Lesson Plan on The Skill of Introducing a Lesson Plan in Social Science on “Our Constitution”

We will follow a few simple steps to make this micro-teaching lesson plan. First, write the identification of data, then write teaching aids you will need to introduce your lesson, and then the development of the topic. Lastly, write the completion of your topic. Now, let’s begin with how you can make a social science micro lesson plan for introduction skills.

Identification of the Data:

Subject: Social Science
Topic: Our Constitution
Class: VIII
Student Teacher: ……
Time: 5 minutes
Date: ……

Teaching Aids: 

There are two parts-

  • General aids: Classroom materials like chalk, duster, board, pointer, etc.
  • Specific aids: A list of showing rules and regulations of the school.


StepsTeacher’s ActivitiesPupil’s ActivitiesComponents of the skill
The teacher will welcome the pupils and arrange them if necessary. The teacher will keep properly the teaching aids on the table.         The pupils will welcome the teacher.     

Development of The Topic:

StepsTeacher’s ActivitiesPupil’s ActivitiesComponents of the skill
The teacher will then say “Before going to learn about today’s lesson, I want to discuss something with you”. Then the teacher will ask-        

Do you know about rules and regulations?    

Do you have any rules and regulations at home?         

The teacher will show a list of school rules and regulations and ask where we follow these rules and regulations.                   

After that, the teacher will ask why should we follow these rules and regulations?            

There are some rules and regulations of the country, where these are included?  
The pupils will listen and observe attentively and will be expected to answer as follows:        



The pupils will read the list.  


The pupils will try to give the answer.  

To maintain discipline.    
The pupils will remain silent.
Preliminary attention gaining          

Use of Previous Knowledge      

Use of appropriate teaching aids.                        

Explicit link with the content.

Completion of the Introduction Skill:

StepsTeacher’s ActivitiesPupil’s ActivitiesComponents of the skill
The teacher will then say that these are included in our constitution. So, today we shall learn about “OUR CONSTITUTION”. The teacher will write the name of the topic on the blackboard.The pupils will write the topic in their notebooks.     

This is just an example of a micro-teaching lesson plan on the skill of introducing a lesson in social science for B.Ed. You can make lesson plans on introduction skills for any topic you want.

PDF of B.Ed. Micro-Teaching Lesson Plan on Introduction Skills for Social Science

In the above, I have shown you how to make a micro lesson plan for the skill of introducing in Social Science / Social Study. But, if on mobile devices you may not get the proper view of this plan. So, I have attached the PDF version of this social science micro plan. Below you can access this micro plan.

This PDF is of 3 pages. After understanding this lesson plan properly you will be able to make a micro lesson plan for any topic for practicing Micro-Teaching in B.Ed. I have also given the images of this micro lesson plan.

Please note that the format of this lesson plan might be slightly different in comparison to yours. So, I suggest you check your format before final submission. But, the general method of making a micro lesson plan is the same everywhere.

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