Skill of Introducing a Lesson in Science Micro Lesson Plan

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Every B.Ed. pursuing students to understand the value of micro-teaching. Here we are not going to discuss the objectives, advantages, and disadvantages of micro-teaching. Generally, micro-teaching is practiced in all Teacher Training Institutions. To practice micro-teaching, you will be given to make a micro-teaching lesson plan for the particular skill. So, here is a model of Science micro-teaching lesson plan for the Skill of Introducing a Lesson. This Science micro lesson plan will be very helpful if you are pursuing a B.Ed. course.

How to Prepare a Micro Lesson Plan for Skill of Introducing a Lesson in Science?

There are ten major micro-teaching skills practiced in Teacher Training Institutions. For every skill and for each subject you have to make a lesson plan for practicing micro-teaching in your B.Ed. course. As you know there are several components in each teaching skill of micro-teaching. You have to include all these components in your micro-teaching lesson plan properly.

skill of introducing a lesson in science micro lesson plan

To help you make a science micro lesson plan on introduction skills, here is a model science micro-teaching lesson plan for the skill of introducing a lesson plan. You will get to how to include the components of the skill properly. Before that let’s see the components of the Skill of Introducing a Lesson.

Components of the Skill of Introducing a Lesson

There are four components of the skill for the skill of introducing a lesson. There are as follows –

  • Preliminary attention gaining
  • Use of relevant previous knowledge
  • Use of an appropriate device
  • Explicit link with content

Remember that you have to understand the meaning of each component of the skill properly to use them in your lesson plan. I hope the model micro-teaching lesson plan of Science Skill of Introducing a Lesson will help you to learn the use of components in the proper place.

Steps to Prepare a Science Micro Lesson Plan on Introduction Skill

To prepare a micro lesson plan for the skill of introducing a lesson in Science, you will need to follow a few basic steps. These are as follows –

  • Choose any topic that you want to make a micro plan for.
  • Give the description of the class, name of the topic, time, average age of pupils, etc.
  • Write all the teaching aids that will be required to introduce the topic.
  • Write the general objectives.
  • State all the specific objectives of the topic that you have chosen.
  • Prepare the science micro plan.

Model Science Micro Lesson Plan on Introduction Skill for B.Ed.

The topic of this science micro-teaching lesson plan is “Getting to Know Plants” from class VI. You will be given 6 minutes to present this skill while practicing micro-teaching. So, you have to make the science micro lesson plan for introducing skills in such a way that you can present it in 6 minutes.

The complete micro lesson plan of science for the skill of introducing a lesson is given below.

Identification of Data:

Subject: General Science
Topic: Getting to Know Plants
Class: VI
Teacher: Mamoni Pegu
Time: 6 min

Teaching Aids:

  • General Aids: Chalk, Duster, Pointer, Blackboard
  • Specific Aids: Some sample of Plants
StepTeacher’s ActivitiesPupils’ ActivitiesComponents of the Skill
Entering the classroom, the teacher will welcome the pupils and rearrange them if necessary. The teacher will keep properly the teaching aids on the table. 

To introduce the day’s lesson the teacher will ask the pupils the following questions.
The pupils will welcome the teacher.
The teacher will then say “Before going to learn about today’s lesson, I want to discuss something with you.” Then the teacher will ask –

Have you ever visited a garden or a crop field?

Do you see the green nature wherever we go?
After that, the teacher will ask what do these green things are called. 

Do you know, what the grass on the playground, the frees in the forest, and tulips in the garden all have in common?

The teacher will show some sample plants and ask do you ever see these things anywhere?

Where do we commonly see them?
The pupils will listen and observe attentively and will be expected to another as follows.



The pupils will observe carefully.

Yes, School, roadside, crop field, etc.

The pupils will try to give answers – Plants, Trees, Grass, flowers, etc.

The pupils will remain silent.
Preliminary attention gaining.

Use of previous knowledge.

Use of appropriate teaching aids.

Explicit link with the content
The teacher will then say that these are called plants. There are many things to know about these plants. So, today we shall learn about “PLANTS”.

The teacher will write the name of the topic on the blackboard and ask the pupils to note it down in their exercise book.
The pupils will start writing

Note that, the format of the Science Lesson Plan for the Skill Introducing a Lesson may be slightly different from institution to institution. So, I suggest you compare the above PDF of the Micro-Teaching Lesson plan with the format provided by your training institution. This Micro-Teaching Lesson plan of Science is based on the format provided by the Teacher Training Institution under Dibrugarh University.

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