Skill of Demonstration in Social Science Micro Lesson Plan

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If you are searching for a social science micro-teaching lesson plan? Then you are at the very right place. Here in this post, you will get a micro-teaching lesson plan for the skill of demonstration in social science. This micro plan is specially made for B.Ed. pursuing students or trainees.

How to Prepare a Micro Lesson Plan on Skill of Demonstration in Social Science?

The skill of demonstration is one of the major skills practiced in micro-teaching. This skill is the 8th skill in micro-teaching. As B.Ed. trainee or student, you have to practice and learn micro-teaching during your course.

Science Skill of Demonstration Micro Teaching Lesson Plan

In this skill, you have to demonstrate something in front of the students in the classroom to explain a topic. Before demonstrating you have to choose a topic that can be demonstrated in the classroom. After that, you have to prepare a lesson plan to practice this skill in micro-teaching.

What is the Skill of Demonstration in Micro-Teaching?

A demonstration is an activity that explains concepts, theories, laws, rules, etc. with the help of an experiment or using appropriate devices. The skill of demonstration in micro-teaching deals with the development of demonstration skills without the teacher trainees in B.Ed. course. 

Components of the Skill of Demonstration

The skill of demonstration has various sub-skills or components. These are needed to be kept in mind while performing the demonstration skill by a teacher trainee. The various components of the demonstration skill are as follows – 

  1. Relevant to Topic, Concept, Idea, and Teaching Point
  2. Creation of Appropriate Situation
  3. Adequacy of Manipulative Skills
  4. Appropriateness
  5. Pupils Involvement
  6. Generalization
  7. Approach

In this post, I will show you how to properly make a micro-teaching lesson plan for social science for the skill of demonstration. Here we will take a social science topic that can be demonstrated in the classroom.

Model Micro Lesson Plan on Skill of Demonstration in Social Science for B.Ed. 

Before making a micro plan for any skill on any topic, you have to know the components of that particular skill. So, before we start making this social science micro plan, you have to understand each component of the skill of demonstration.

I have already published a post explaining the demonstration skill and its components. I suggest you first read that post. Now you will learn how to use components of demonstration skill in a micro plan with the help of a sample social science micro plan for the skill of demonstration.

Also Read: Social Science Micro Teaching Lesson Plan on Skill of Reinforcement

The topic of this micro plan is “Soil Erosion” which is taken from the class 10 geography textbook. The step-by-step process of preparing a micro plan for demonstration skills is given below.

Identification of Data:

Subject: Social Science
Topic: Soil Erosion (Environmental Problem)
Class: X
Teacher Trainee:
Time: 7 min

Teaching Point:

“The land with vegetal cover is less affected than the barren land.”

Teaching Aids:

  • General Teaching Aids: Blackboard, Chalk, Duster, Pointer.
  • Specific Teaching Aids: A Model of barren and vegetal cover land and water.

Introduction of Demonstration Skill:

StepTeacher’s ActivitiesPupil’s ActivitiesComponents
The teacher will welcome the pupils and place the teaching aids properly on the table. Then the teacher will tell the pupils,

“Today I will show you a very interesting experiment.”
The pupils will respond and be attentive. 

Development of the Skill of Demonstration:

StepTeacher’s ActivitiesPupil’s ActivitiesComponents
The teacher will take out a model of barren land on the table in a proper way and also keep a container beside the kept model.  

The teacher will ask the following question as soon as the model is arranged on the table.  
Q. what happened when I poured water on the barren land?  
Adding to the answers of the students, the teacher will call students and ask him/her to hang the container in the mouth of the model and pour a little water over the model of barren land.  

Then again, the teacher will take out another model of land with vegetal cover.  

Then the teacher will call a student and ask him/her to hang a container in the mouth of the model and ask to pour water over the surface with vegetal cover.  

Thereafter, the teacher will ask the following questions:  
Q. What have you noticed in the experiment?  
Q. Why the land with vegetal cover is less eroded?  
Students will enthusiastically look at the model.        

Students will try to give answers.  

The pupil will help the teacher.              

The pupil will help the teacher in pouring water.    

Students are expected to give answers.      
Creation of appropriate situation.  

Adequacy of manipulative skill.      

Pupils’ participation.        

Follow the appropriate approach.  

Students’ involvement.


StepTeacher’s activitiesPupil’s ActivitiesComponents
After the reason is generalized by the students through their answers, the teacher will recognize it and write it on the blackboard as follows:   “The land with vegetal cover is less affected than the barren land. Hence, soil erosion is a major environmental problem in the land with less vegetal cover.”  Pupils will note down the statement.Generalization

PDF – Social Science Micro Lesson Plan on Soil Erosion on Demonstration Skill for B.Ed.

You might not have a proper view of the above micro plan due to your screen ratio. So, for a better understanding, I have attached the PDF version of the above micro plan of social science.

This is just a sample micro-teaching lesson to give you an idea of how to properly make a micro plan by taking examples of social science micro plans to demonstrate skill. Here I have shown you how to properly use the components of demonstrating skill in a micro plan.

Please note that the format might be different from yours. So, please verify the format before submitting. But the content will be the same for any format. So you will be able to transform this micro lesson plan into any other format.

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