Science Micro Lesson Plan on Buoyancy | Demonstration Skill

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In this post, I will be teaching you how to make a science micro lesson plan on Buoyancy for the Demonstration Skill in micro-teaching. You will learn about the necessary steps that should be taken while making a micro lesson plan demonstration of a science experiment in micro-teaching.

Science Micro Lesson Plan on Buoyancy | Demonstration Skill

Demonstration Skill Micro Lesson Plan on Buoyancy For Micro-Teaching in B.Ed.

Microteaching is a training technique in which a teacher trainee practices with a small group of 5 to 10 pupils for a short duration of 5 to 10 minutes on a selected content/ concept in a single skill. The student teachers are required to teach a single concept using specified teaching skills to a small number of students in a short duration of time.

To practice micro-teaching in your B.Ed. course you will need to make a lesson plan. Since there are 10 major skills of micro-teaching, you will need to make a micro lesson plan for each skill and for each subject. In this post, you will learn how to make a science micro lesson plan on Buoyancy for demonstration skills in micro-teaching.

The skill of demonstration in micro-teaching is about demonstrating an experiment in front of students. Here you will need to mention the teaching point of the experiment in your science micro lesson plan on Buoyancy.

Steps For Making Demonstration Skill Micro Plan on Buoyancy for B.Ed.

The very thing you need to learn before making a micro lesson plan is understanding the concept of that particular skill and its components. In this case, you have to learn the concept of the skill of demonstration. After that, you will be able to know where and when to use the components of the demonstration skill in your science micro lesson plan on Buoyancy.

Remember that you will need to perform the experiment/demonstration according to your micro plan. Also, choose a good teaching point (law, experiment, statement) where a demonstration is possible in a very short amount of time.

Follow the steps mention below to make your micro-lesson plan for the demonstration skill in micro-teaching –

  • Identification of Data (Class, Chapter…. etc.)
  • Write teaching point
  • Mention teaching aids (both general and specific teaching aids)
  • Introduction to the demonstration (in table)
  • Development of the demonstration (in table)
  • Conpletion of the demonstration (in table)

Science Micro-Teaching Lesson Plan on “Buoyancy” | Skill of Demonstration

The topic of this demonstration skill micro plan is “Buoyancy” to show how the buoyancy of a liquid depends on its density. This topic is taken from the NCERT class 7 science textbook.

Identification of Data:

Subject: General Science
Topic: Buoyancy
Class: VII
Time: 6 minutes

Teaching Point

The buoyancy of a liquid depends on its density. As density increases the Buoyancy of the liquid increases.

Teaching Aids:

  • General Aids: Chalk, Duster, etc.
  • Specific Aids: A beaker, water, an egg, salt, a spoon, etc.

Introduction to the Demonstration:

StepTeacher’s ActivitiesPupils’ ActivitiesComponent of the Skill
The teacher will welcome the pupils and place the teaching aids properly. He/she will then tell the pupils, “Today I will show you a very interesting experiment.”                

Showing the beaker filled with water and the egg, the teacher will ask the pupils, “If I drop this egg into the water in the beaker, what will happen?”
The pupils will respond and be attentive.            

The pupils may give mixed answers: “It will sink.” “It will float.”
Creation of an appropriate situation  

Pupils         involvement

Development of the Demonstration:

StepTeacher’s ActivitiesPupils’ ActivitiesComponent of the Skill
M  E 
He/she will say- “Let us see then what happens,” and drop the egg very carefully into the beaker and ask the pupils:
What do you observe?
Why does it sink in water?          

Then he/she will invite a student to come to help him/her. He/she will ask the pupil to mix salt in water with the spoon and ask the other pupils to observe minutely.          
He/she will then ask the pupils: “If I put the egg in this saline water now, what will happen?”          

He/she will then ask the pupil to put the egg into the saline water very gently and then ask them:
What do you observe now?
Why does the egg float in saline water?
What happens to the water when salt is added?
Can you find a relationship between buoyancy and density?
They will answer as follows: “It has sunk into the water.”

“Because the buoyancy of water is less than the weight of the egg.”  

The pupil will help the teacher in mixing salt in water and the pupils observe minutely.          

They are expected to give mixed answers:
“It will sink,”
“It will float.”    

They are expected to answer as follows:    
“It floats.”

The displaced saline water is heavier than the egg.“Its density will increase.”The pupils will try to relate density with buoyancy.
Heuristic approach                

Pupils’ involvement            

Heuristic approach                      


Completion of the Demonstration:

StepTeacher’s ActivitiesPupils’ ActivitiesComponent of the Skill
After the rule is generalized by the pupils, the teacher will reorganize it and write it on the blackboard as follows:

“Buoyancy of a liquid depends on its density. As the density increases, the buoyancy of the liquid also increases.”
The pupils will note down the generalized point from the blackboard. 

Also Read: Science Micro Lesson Plan on Demonstration Skill on Sedimentation and Decantation.

PDF – Demonstration Skill Micro Lesson Plan for Micro-Teaching

if you are having trouble reading the above micro lesson plan, you can refer to the PDF version of this attached to this post. The PDF version of this science micro lesson plan on buoyancy for the demonstration skill has three pages. Click the up and down in the toolbar to view the next pages.


Please note that this is just a sample/example micro-teaching lesson plan of science on buoyancy for demonstration skills. You can choose any other topic from any class to present a demonstration in B.Ed. micro-teaching.

Also, the format of this lesson plan may vary from institution to institution. But, the basic procedure is the same. There might be the only differences in writing. I suggest you verify the format before your final submission.

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