Lesson Plan on A Letter To God | NCERT Class 10

Are you searching for a lesson plan for the English subject? Don’t worry here I will be giving a lesson plan on A Letter to God for teaching English subject. This lesson plan is made for both B.Ed. pursuing trainee or English subject teacher. This English lesson plan will be very helpful to you if you are having any difficulties in making your own lesson plan.

Lesson Plan on A Letter To God for B.Ed.

English Lesson Plan on A Letter To God for Class 10

If you are pursuing a B.Ed. course under any university or institution, it is very important to learn how to make lesson plans on any topic or subject. Here In this post, you will learn how to make a lesson plan for the English subject.

Here I am giving you a sample lesson plan on the topic A Letter to God. The topic A Letter to God is taken from the NCERT Class 10 English textbook, First Flight. So, This lesson plan will be useful for those who want to teach English in class 10.

Model Lesson Plan of English Subject For B.Ed.

Below I have given a sample lesson plan to teach you how to make an English lesson plan. This lesson plan is for 45 min Class. A B.Ed. pursuing trainee will be able to use this lesson plan for their practice teaching or during their teaching internship.

For the complete version of the above-mentioned lesson plan please refer below.

Lesson Plan on A Letter to God

Identification of Data:

Class: X
Average Age: 15+
No. of Students:
Time: 45 min
Subject: English
Topic: A Letter to God
Textbook: First Flight, NCERT
Teacher’s Name:

General Objectives:

  1. To speak, read, and write English correctly and fluently.
  2. To understand English with ease when spoken at normal conversation speed.
  3. To develop an interest in English.
  4. To translate common English words, phrases, and sentences into their functional equivalent in the mother tongue and vice-versa.
  5. To enable the students to read English with proper stress and intonation.
  6. To enable the students to develop their reading skills.
  7. To acquire knowledge of the elements of English.
  8. To develop the four skills – reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
  9. To develop competence in understanding a variety of reading texts.

Special Objectives:


  1. The students will be able to state the story of a letter to God.
  2. The students will be able to recall the character of Lencho.


  1. The students will be able to discuss faith in God during the lesson.
  2. The students will be able to explain the disasters of the story.


  1. The students will be able to apply their knowledge about using adjectives in sentences.

Teaching Ads:

  • General Teaching Aids: Chalk, Duster, Blackboard.


StepsTeacher’s ActivitiesPupils’ Activities

Entering the class with a smiling face, the teacher will re-arrange the classroom if necessary. In order to introduce the day’s lesson, the teacher will ask the following questions –  
What things did people use in ancient days to send a message?
Do you write letters to your elders? If you write a letter to God, how will you send it?                          

Being satisfied with the student’s answer the teacher will ask what we can conclude from this.
The students will welcome the teacher and will try to give answers.            

The students will give answers.

Announcement of the Topic:

After getting the expected responses the teacher will announce the topic and write it down on the blackboard.


The teacher will ask the students to note down the topic.

Presentation of the Topic:

English Lesson Plan for B.Ed.
A Letter to God Class 10 Lesson Plan PDF Download


StepsTeacher’s ActivitiesPupils’ Activities

The teacher will consolidate the main points with the students and will write the following question on the blackboard as their homework and will ask the students to note it down –   Homework: 
Q. How is the faith in God reflected in the story? Explain.     – 5 Marks                         
After the students write, the teacher will clean the board and leave the classroom.
The students will cooperate with the teacher.        

The students will note down the homework.    

A Letter to God Lesson Plan PDF for B.Ed. Download | First Flight – Class 10

Above I have given the complete lesson plan of A Letter to God for a 45-50 min English class. For your convenience, I have attached the PDF version of the A Letter to God Lesson plan which was made especially for B.ed. pursuing trainees or students.

If you want to make slight changes in the lesson plan or if the format of the lesson plan is not exactly 100% similar to the format you use in your B.Ed. pursuing institutions, you are free to make changes in them. Also, I have made this lesson plan just to give you an idea of how to make an English lesson plan properly.

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