Social Science Skill of Explaining Micro Lesson Plan for B.Ed

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Are you having any difficulties in preparing a micro lesson plan for explanation skills? Are you searching for a Skill of Explaining Social Science micro lesson plan for B.Ed.? Don’t worry, I am here to help you. In this post, you will get a social science (geography) micro lesson plan for the skill of explaining or explanation.

Social Science Micro-teaching Lesson Plan on the Skill of Explaining for B.Ed.

Among the 10 major skills of micro-teaching, the skill of explaining is one of them. To practice this skill in micro-teaching you will need to prepare a lesson plan for this particular skill by choosing any topic from any class.

Skill of Explaining Micro Teaching Lesson Plan on Geography (Social Science) micro Lesson Plan

But to properly prepare this lesson plan you will need to have a thorough knowledge of this skill. You have to include all the components of this skill. 

In this post, I will show you the step-by-step process for making a social science micro lesson plan for the skill of explaining or skill of explanation. You will have an idea of how to prepare a Social Science micro lesson plan for the skill of explaining or explanation.

Class 10 Social Science (Geography) Micro-Teaching Lesson Plan on Air Pollution:

This is a sample micro lesson plan specially made for those who are pursuing a B.Ed. course. This post will be very helpful in understanding the proper way of preparing a social science for the skill of explaining.

The topic of this micro plan is “Air Pollution” which is taken from the Class X Geography (Social Science) textbook. Here you will learn how to properly distribute the components of explanation skills in a micro plan. The sample micro plan is given below.

Also Read: Social Science Skill of Stimulus Variation Micro Lesson Plan

Identification of Data:

Subject: Social Science
Topic: AirPollution (Geography)
Class: X
Teacher Trainee:
Time: 5 min

Teaching Aids:

  • General Teaching Aids: Blackboard, Chalk, Duster, Pointer.
  • Specific Teaching Aids: N/A


StepTeacher’s ActivitiesPupil’s ActivitiesComponents
After welcoming the pupils, the teacher will say that “the present world is facing various environmental problems, ranging from localized erosion to global warming, and one of such problems is “Pollution.”  

Today we shall discuss “Air Pollution”, which is one of three major pollutions.
The pupils will listen attentively to the teacher.Initial Statement


StepTeacher’s ActivitiesPupil’s ActivitiesComponents
“The presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects is termed as pollution.”

Then the teacher will talk about air pollution and its pollutants with examples.  

The teacher will give an example of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy (19984), which was one of the worst and most disastrous man-induced air pollution that took the lives of thousands.  

Then the teacher will explain the causes of air pollution, i.e., natural causes (volcanic eruption, forest fire, etc.) and man-induced causes (industrialization, industrial accident,s, etc.).  

The teacher will then ask the following questions to test the pupil’s understanding –
Q. What are the different causes of Air Pollution?  

The teacher will also elaborate on the consequences of air pollution by citing examples.  

Then the teacher will say, So, the students, from today’s discussion, we come to know how deadly air pollution is.  

“Thus, from the above discussion, we come to know air pollution, its pollutant, how it is caused, and the consequential effects of air pollution.”  
Students will listen attentively to the teacher.                                  

The pupils will answer the question.                

Pupils will listen attentively.
Interpreting pupils’ cues, maintaining brevity, use of examples.  

Use of Example        

Continuity and fluency            
Test pupil’s understanding  

Use of explaining links.          
Concluding statement


StepTeacher’s activitiesPupil’s Activities
The teacher will thank students for their attentive and cooperative behavior and rub the blackboard before leaving the class.The pupils will listen attentively.

PDF – Skill of Explanation in Social Science Micro Lesson Plan for B.Ed.

For a better view of the above plan, I have attached the PDF version of the social science micro lesson plan for the skill of explaining. This PDF has 3 pages in it. You can click the up and down arrow to view the next or previous pages.

This is just a sample micro plan to give you an idea of how to make a micro plan for explanation skills. Here I have taken a topic from the geography textbook of class 10. But you can take any topic if you wish.

Also, please check the format before submitting it to your practical files. Because the format might not be exactly similar to the format used in your institution. But the content will be the same so you can transform this micro plan into any other format.

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