Math Skill of Probing Questions Micro Lesson Plan PDF

Facing difficulties in making a micro lesson plan on the skill of probing in question? Don’t worry we are here to help you. Micro-teaching is a very important part of B.Ed. course. Making a micro-teaching lesson plan is not an easy task. Here in this post, we will provide a model math skill of probing questions micro lesson plan in PDF format. We hope this post will help you in making your lesson plan for micro-teaching.

Probing Questions in Mathematics Micro Lesson Plan for B. Ed.

The Skill of Probing Questioning in Mathematics Micro-Teaching Lesson Plan for B.Ed.

The basic objective of microteaching is to make teacher education programs scientific, effective, and meaningful. So micro-teaching is practiced in every teacher training institution or B.Ed. colleges. It is practiced in the 3rd semester of B.Ed. colleges which are under Dibrugarh University.

There are 10 major skills of micro-teaching practiced in teacher training institutions. The skill of probing in question is one of them. Here in this post, we will only learn how to make a micro lesson plan on the skill of probing in questioning in Mathematics.

Remember that to make a lesson plan on any particular skill you should have the knowledge of that skill. You have to understand each and every component of that skill properly. Otherwise, your lesson plan may not be 100% correct. It is because while making any lesson plan, you have to include all the components in your lesson plan in the proper place. So, to make a lesson plan on the skill of probing in the questioning we need to know the components of probing in questioning.

Components of The Skill of Probing Questions in Micro-Teaching

There are 5 components of the skill of probing in questioning which you will have to include in your micro lesson plan. These are as follows:

  1. Prompting
  2. Redirecting
  3. Refocusing
  4. Seeking further information
  5. Questions aimed at critical awareness & evaluation

Remember that only mentioning these components in your micro-teaching lesson plan of mathematics on the skill of probing in questioning is not enough. You will need to perform micro-teaching keeping these components in mind.

From this post, we hope you will learn how to use these components in your maths micro lesson plan.

Also Read: 10 model science micro-teaching lesson plan for B.Ed.

Model Math Micro lesson Plan for Probing Questions for B.Ed. Micro-Teaching

This is a model math micro lesson plan on probing questions skills. Please view the attached PDF file on this post for a proper view of this maths micro plan on probing questions.

Identification of Data:

Subject: General Mathematics
Topic: Polynomial
Class: IX
Teacher: Jintu Sonowal
Time: 6 min

Introduction, Development & Completion of Probing Skill in Math

StepTeacher’s ActivitiesPupils’ ActivitiesComponents of the skill
The teacher will welcome the pupils and ask the following question:  

(After every question the teacher will pause for a little while and he/she will direct pupils at random to give answers. He/she will give clues if necessary.)
The pupils are expected to answer correctly as follows:All the components of fluency in questioning.
1. Is 5𝑥2 + 2√𝑥 + 1 is a polynomial?  

2. Alright, what are the properties of a polynomial?     

3. What are whole numbers? Give some examples of the whole numbers.    

4. Is 2𝑥2 + 1 is a polynomial? Why?     

5. How √x can be written as a power of x?    

6. What is the power of x in the given equation?   

7. Is the power of x in the given equation is a whole number?    

8. A variable in an algebraic expression has a power of -5. Is it a polynomial?
– No response  

– Any real number can be a coefficient, power has to be a whole number.  

– A number without fractions. Ex: 0, 1, 2…  

– Yes, Power on the x is a whole number.  

– 𝑥1/2     

– 1/2    

– No, because 1/2 is not a whole number.  

– No, because the power in a variable of a polynomial can not be a negative number.  

Seeking further information  



Seeking further information  

Seeking further information    

Questioned aimed at critical answers
The teacher will appreciate the responses of the pupils and encourage them for their future progress. After explaining the importance of the lesson in brief he/she comes out of the classroom.The pupils will listen attentively. 

Math Probing Questions Skill Micro-Teaching Lesson Plan Free PDF

This math skill of probing questions micro lesson plan of mathematics is on the topic “Polynomial” of class 9. You can choose any topic from any class. There is no limitation to this. But my suggestion is to choose a moderate-level topic so that it will be easy for everyone to answer.

Below you can see the attached PDF of the model micro lesson plan for the mathematics skill of probing questioning. This is a 3-page PDF file. You can click on the PDF file to view the up and down button.


Please note that this mathematics micro lesson plan is based on the format provided by teacher training institutions of Dibrugarh University. There might be a slight difference in the format with the format provided by your institution. So, please ensure before your final submission.

Currently, the PDF downloading option is not available to protect our content from piracy. But in the future, we are looking forward to making it available to download for free. For further quarry please drop your comment.

Also Read: Math Stimulus Variation Skill Micro Lesson Plan PDF

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